In order to add more useful features to CPIME, your kindly support would be greatly appreciated.
Why CPIME is free?
I believe Input software should be "Air".Air is necessary to live but for free.
Input software is also necessary to communicate in computer life. So users should get it for free.
That's why I decided to provide CPIME for free.
In future every Cantonese user all over the world will be able to input Cantonese.
That's my dream.
Why CPIME is NOT the best?
That's because CPIME is still on the way.Many features are planned but still pending due to the lack of development cost.
In order to develop and maintain CPIME, lots of costs are required
such as electricity, network, hardware, software, facilities... and time of developer.
But at the same time, I believe CPIME should be for free.
That's my dilemma.
What kinds of future features are planned?
- Learning Frequent Words
- User-Defined Words
- Fuzzy Pinyin Support (E.g. Input 你(nei) with "lei"、愛(ngoi) with "oi")
- Function Key Customization (E.g. Use Space key to fix the candidate word)
- Sentence Input (don't need to convert pinyin by each word)